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The Benefits of Heat Reflective Pool Surfaces

Kevin Marshall
April 6, 2015

With growing technology, there are more opportunities for pool decks as opposed to simply using concrete. While concrete is an affordable choice that offers many design options, there are now many more options that can be considered if you are thinking about resurfacing your pool deck. When getting a new deck, there are a few things that you may want to consider. Pool deck materials will have enough texture so that it doesn't become slippery when wet. It will also resist excessive heat absorption during the hot summer months.

More often than not, people will forget how important it is to have heat reflective pool surfaces. During the summer, the sun constantly pounds the surface of decks and some materials absorb much more of that heat than others. When you have a deck that absorbs heat, rather than reflects it, you are left with a deck that will burn your bare feet when you walk on it. If the deck gets hot enough and you stand on the ground long enough, it may even be possible to receive 1st degree burns on the soles of your feet. This should of course be avoided and it is possible to do so. There are a few things to consider when properly installing heat reflective coatings. When you use lighter colors for your deck, it will absorb less heat and will therefore make the floor of the deck significantly cooler. This is a general rule of thumb for any material that you decide to use for your deck from concrete to wood. Another benefit of using heat reflective materials for your deck is that there may be less damage to your deck. The absorption of UV rays can prove harmful for many decks over the years, especially decks made from wood for example. If you are thinking of redoing your pool deck, of course be sure to consider materials that will be safe but don’t forget to also think about materials that will reflect excessive heat and make the overall temperature of your deck cooler.