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What Are ICC Rated Products?

Christine Lee
October 14, 2017

After the decision has been made to redo your deck or outdoor flooring, the next step is to determine which contractor company to use. One thing you may want to use to help determine which company to use is whether or not they use approved ICC flooring products such as the fire resistant building products like Blazeguard and Flameblock. You may be wondering, what exactly are ICC products and what is ICC? Read on to find out more!

ICC is an Evaluation Service that was created in order to ensure that all manufacturing products are being made in accordance to applicable codes, industry standards and rating systems. Within the industry, there are of course several certification bodies that adhere to certain tests such as evaluation, inspection, certification decision, and follow-up monitoring of the certified product. However, these are just the minimum requirements for many certification boards. ICC Evaluation Service, or ICC-ES, goes above and beyond. One way that the ICC-ES goes above and beyond is that the plants where products are made are also tested and must be accredited.

Due to the fact that ICC-ES goes above and beyond in their evaluations, they are known to be the leader in technical evaluations and certifications for construction professionals. They also ensure that all products comply with codes and standards that ensure the safety of customers. The ICC-ES also has decades of experience in the world of product evaluations and they continue to maintain their high standards of quality evaluations. To learn more about the safety of products, you can also ask for the ICC-ES Evaluation report of a given certified product. When companies use ICC-ES products, it means that the company is dedicated to offering the best products around. When looking for a company to help remodel your floors, look for one that uses ICC-ES products.