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How to Find a Reliable Floor Coating Contractor

Daliah Okoro
July 9, 2015

If you often use your garage, it may be a good idea to get it coated so as to protect it from wear and tear. While it can be possible to do yourself, the best results will come from a professional floor-coating contractor. If you have already decided to use a contractor, the next step becomes how to figure out which one to use since all contractors are not alike. Here are a few things to consider when searching for a contractor to coat your floor

The first thing you want to do is a bit of research on floor coating yourself. Sometimes contractors will come in using fancy words and might try to get you to purchase something that you don’t need. If you already know the basics about floor coating, you will be able to avoid getting tricked while being assured that they know what they are talking about. Once you have done your own research, do a little research on the contractors themselves. Make sure that they have a license to do their work and that they are insured. Liability insurance will ensure that any damages that may be caused to your home by the contractor will be covered. Unfortunately, there are people who claim to have knowledge in floor coating when they really do not. Make sure they can prove their qualifications. 

Another great way to learn more about a contractor is through a phone interview and even a follow up face-to-face meeting. You can also check their reputation through your state’s consumer protection agency. Most websites allow you to see if any unsatisfied customers have filed any actions against a particular company. Reviews online can also be helpful as well as asking them how long they have been in the business for; asking for references is never a bad idea. 

If you want good results, you should also look into the types of brands and materials they use. They should be knowledgeable about this information so they should be able to clearly explain to you the brands they use and why they use it over a different type of material or brand. If their answer is vague, it may mean that they are using inferior coating products. These are just a few things to consider when looking for a contractor to hire.