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Save Time & Money by Resurfacing Your Concrete

Ariana Sanchez
January 16, 2015

While there are many benefits to having a concrete deck, sometimes problems can arise. For example, over time, the concrete can become dull which can negatively affect the overall aesthetic of your home. In addition, cracks may occur throughout the deck. When this happens, there are a few options that homeowners have if they are thinking of fixing these manageable problems. Sometimes homeowners will decide to completely tear up the old concrete deck in order to start fresh. Other times, homeowners think that they can simply add a new topcoat to the cement. This however does not work because concrete lacks bonding agents, which means that the new layer of concrete will not properly stick to the old layer. This will result in severe cracking and crumbling and you’ll have a bigger problem than when you started off. Instead of these two options, consider a third alternative: concrete resurfacing.

Concrete waterproofing and resurfacing is a good alternative to completely ripping up and redoing the concrete on your deck because it is much more economical and you will